hail to the chief

hail to the chief

I haven’t been in the country for a month and I’m under my first winter weather advisory. I figured I would get one when I entered the country. Like, maybe it’s just something they give you when you cross the border. Welcome to Canada! Here’s your toque and boots and membership in the Tragically Hip fanclub, your snow is on the way shortly. No snow at the moment, just some freezing rain out there. Probably hail.

I refuse to acknowledge snow.

I was up early again. I don’t know what time, because I make a point not to look at the clock anymore. If I look once, I’ll keep looking. When I wake up at the asscrack of the day, unable to return to sleep, there is nothing I like more than the knowledge of how much I can’t sleep. Shawshank turned off the alarm clock before bed, and we had hoped for a sleep-in. No such luck, as the cats started milling about the bed, and eventually the two of us were forced out of the sanctity of the heated covers.

I took a completely scientific test this morning.

Today is Brunch Day. Shawshank will fix us a feast, and I’ll eat a bunch of greasy food. Later, we’ll enter SLOTH MODE: he’ll put on the latest Critical Role and I’ll jam some earbuds in and play video games. I don’t think I’ll even get out of my jammies.


  1. If it makes you feel better, we already got a dusting here last week. I also refuse to recognize that it’s that time of the year already….LYLAS

    • crystal

      Yup, I don’t mind just snow. Alas, the last 2-3 days have had some wicked winds along with the snow. It’s really harshing my vibe, yo.

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