[old timey police siren wailing]

[old timey police siren wailing]

Happy Humpday, internetizens. I’ve got myself a Wednesday. Both Shawshank and I woke up to gray skies. I have the added bonus of occasional thunder. There’s an 80% chance I’ll see some rain today. I’m pretty ok with that, especially if

I did nothing at all yesterday. I won’t say it was glorious, because it’s kinda pathetic in my opinion. Mom left for her morning appointment, and Brian put up a ladder and set out to clean out the gutters. Chaucer could hear Brian on the roof looked very concerned – those sounds were most definitely not from squirrels.

As promised, we had dinner at the Compound. Brian needed to help his father put an awning on their camper. Mom and I stayed in the house. She played with the new puppy.

I researched the (potential) new poi. Plus, we ordered pizza. Brian’s mother makes questionable food choices for the household sometimes, and pizza was a welcome choice.

Today’s promise of rain means I can expect a day of HGTV or Food Network while Brian sleeps in the recliner. Mom is going out to clean her friend’s house. I might do some terrarium maintenance, or hide in the bathroom and put down some lines for new paintings.

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