Clinics, Crisps, and Tarts

Clinics, Crisps, and Tarts

Good morning, my friends. Thursday is upon us, the weekend is near. I can’t wait. It’s been a long week already.

I’m going in for an early shift. These are the worst schedules: leaving late and going on early, making me feel like I barely get home when I’m going back in again. Yesterday’s flu shot clinics went better than expected, we did more than we anticipated.

Unfortunately, me being at the clinic left StressedRPh alone for two hours, which threw the pharmacy into chaos. Between clinics, I helped to get some sense of sanity back in the place before NewTech‘s shift started. However, I was only back to help out for a bit more than an hour before going back for the second clinic. I don’t have high hopes for the state of the pharmacy when I get in, because I doubt things went smoothly after I left.

Tonight, it’s going to be a night of cooking. He wants chicken and rice for dinner, and after a week of leftovers and quick dinners, it’ll be a nice change. We’ve also got a bunch of apples to use before they turn, and I haven’t decided whether to turn them into apple crisp, or a tart. I don’t know why I’ll bother, since we still have a fuck-ton of pumpkin cinnamon rolls to eat. After packing up half the pumpkin ones to bring to work, I tossed all the apple pie rolls this morning.

Two shifts to get through before I can enjoy some time for me.


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