frog crescendo

frog crescendo

We had some storms pass over us yesterday. The clouds were dark, there was thunder, and you could feel the storm coming. Fortunately, the actual rain was spotty. We were only subjected to roughly 3 minutes of downpour before we were out from under it.

Since the clouds started at lunchtime, I spent the early afternoon painting. I needed some outside time and I didn’t want to risk waiting and missing my chance should an afternoon rain come. I’m going to consider both of these finished. I haven’t signed them yet, but that’s just a formality.

Then, I moved my whole art operation into the bathroom. I traced four more future paintings. After dinner, I did the lines for three of them.

The sun was setting when we came back from the Chinese buffet. Chaucer spotted a toad on the patio. I let him out, knowing full well the toad would bolt as soon as I stepped outside and leave Chaucer disappointed. As expected, the larger of the two toads hopped away. Chaucer stood on the damp patio, probably confused as to why it wasn’t the hot concrete he’s familiar with. The smaller toad remained still, cleverly disguised as a pile of shit on the concrete.

I stood on the patio and listened as one of the frogs in the yard started to sing. At first, it was only one, and I’m pretty sure it was one of those on the patio. Another quickly joined in. Then another. And another, the ribbits rising in volume. Within a minute, the entire yard was filled with frogsong.

And then I went back inside.

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