Thunderstorms, Dark, and Dates

Good morning! Whether we like it or not, it’s Monday, and a new week has begun. Our new pharmacy hours started last Wednesday (because our “workweek” runs from Wednesday through Tuesday), and this week is the first full week we’ll work our new schedules. It’s already starting off with a shift change; DayTech wanted tonight off for her mother’s birthday.

We had an awesome thunderstorm yesterday. I’d watched the clouds become heavier all afternoon, and then turn dark gray in the afternoon. Eventually the local weather nerd cut in to warn about a severe storm rolling through the area.

It was supposed to pass to the north, but my neighborhood caught about 30 minutes of storm. For the most part, all I heard I was distant thunder, but no rain. However, there was one thunderclap that was incredibly loud. Before the cats could even find hiding places, the skies opened up.

As planned, I did the laundry an washed some dishes, and finished the chores by lunchtime. For the rest of the day, I binged the first half of Dark’s second season and chatting with Shawshank. I’ll try to fit in the rest of the season over this week. I don’t expect it to be that difficult. Shawshank and I have plans to watch the final season “together”, each of us watching an episode and talking about it later. We watched SNL together over the weekend, and that will be a weekly “date” for the time being.

I did a nice workout this morning. Morning workouts are the major positive aspect of the new work schedule. It’s easier for me to be dressed and upstairs at 7am to bust my ass. By the time I’m home and fed, I don’t want to work out. This morning, it was a focus on upper body. Tomorrow, lower body. Possibly, anyway. Part of this morning’s workout involved five minutes worth of kettlebell swings, and I already feel my ass tightening up in protest.

I don’t know which pharmacist will be at work tonight. I don’t think it’s StressedRPh, but they’ve done weird shit with the pharmacist schedules lately. It might be another day with two pharmacists with an overlap schedule. I plan to go in, do my shift, and get out without any issues. By the time I get home, the meat will be defrosted and I’ll be well on my way to sitting down with a taco bowl.

I really wish I could live the life of my cats, both of whom are asleep on the back of a couch, not a care in their world.

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