Still no Buffalo Chicken Wraps.  Someone call Hometown and make them send me one.

Still no Buffalo Chicken Wraps. Someone call Hometown and make them send me one.

Happy Friday, my friends. The skies are clear and cloudless. Let us rejoice beneath the rays of the Golden Lightbringer, Sol.

I'm going to steal the Declaration of Independence.
He is risen! Glory to the one true god!

The crinums are up and in full bloom. We planted them last summer, after they had already bloomed, and never knew what the flowers looked like. We had a vague idea of what they might be, but there’s like 200+ varieties of crinum so it was a crap shoot. Mom thought they would be white. I much prefer what bloomed over what species we thought she’d get.

I think I want another coffee. I won’t get it, but I’d like to.

I spent the majority of yesterday in my seat. Mom’s appointment went off without a hitch. We weren’t positive they would see her; she’d been unsuccessful in getting a hold of that office since Tuesday morning to confirm. Things behind the scenes were straightened out, however. It was too hot to spend much time outside. The air temp was hot, the humidity was high, and there wasn’t a lot of air movement. Even the umbrella’s shade wouldn’t have helped.

I’m going to try again today. Outdoors. We have nowhere to be, and this is getting ridiculous.

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