space yogurt

space yogurt

Happy Monday, my lovelies. We have a fucking sunshiny morning down here on The Taint. From the looks of things, today will be warm and sunny and maybe not too windy. That is, if you want to trust the weather forecast. Yesterday’s reports were mostly wrong. We were only supposed to have a slight chance of rain. Instead, much of the day was overcast. Mom tried to do yard work while watching the clouds build. Eventually, the sky took on that bizarre quality of light that signals impending doom, and Mom was caught in a downpour.

The yard work was complete.

Due to the weather, I played Skyrim for most of yesterday afternoon. Indica the Wizard Lizard is still pretty fun. Unlike last year when I bought the game and said “I’m going to do something different!” and then played exactly the same way I always play, I’ve stuck to my plan to not be a stealth archer. I mostly stay away from things and let my minions do my dirty work. Blasting people with lightning bolts is fun, except when skeletons explode to bits or I blow a corpse into some dark, unreachable corner. A few times, I’ve had to return to my unsavory rogue roots. I’ve stealthily taken out entire rooms of people, slowly, sneaking up behind each one and taking them out, one slit throat at a time.

Brian’s company closes for the holiday, and he’s home for the day. Mom has some yard work she wants to do, and I might try to go outside and help. Part of me wants to go outside and do stuff. Get off my ass, feet on the ground, fresh air.

On the other hand, I don’t want to move. I want to just stay inside and pretend I’m not here.


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