yes, we really are just that fucking stupid.

yes, we really are just that fucking stupid.

Hola, welcome to the weekend. My coffee is above “meh” quality this morning, which is nice. Yesterday’s storms cleared out by dinner, and today looks like postcard Pensacola. In fact, the forecast for the week looks like a good week to be outside.

The electronics situation in Casa de PopTart has been sorted out. I was not looking forward to calling tech support to straighten this shit out. I’ve done tech support in the past, back in the days of dialup ISPs and early online banking websites. With memories of the secondhand embarrassment I caused callers with a single, initial troubleshooting question, I went into the spare room to make sure the router was actually plugged in. It was.

It also turned out that son of a bitch also has the fucking WiFi network name and password printed right on a handy sticker on the front.

Brian didn’t notice it when he was in that spare room on Thursday night. This shouldn’t surprise anyone. Much like Chaucer, if it happens once one way, that’s the way it always should be. If a previous service installation came with a handy booklet with all the account’s info, Brian-logic dictates this one should as well.

I don’t think I’ve ever angrily typed in a WiFi password as angrily before.

I put Mom‘s phone on the network, smoked a bunch in a combination of frustration and relief, then did my makeup. FedEx delivered my Chromebook after lunch, so I put it on the network along with the living room TV. Brian came home and connected his phone. He also connected their bedroom TV to the fiber. We tried to install the DirecTV app on the TV in the living room, but it’s not quite “smart” enough for it.

Unfortunately, Mom wasn’t feeling well. We didn’t go out for Chinese. I ended up going out and grabbing Wendy’s for myself. I should have just gone and grabbed a sandwich at Walmart, it would have been twice as fast, with half the cost and calories. After dinner, I spent the evening playing Skyrim.

Today we’re looking at another typical Saturday. We have the weekly trip to Walmart, and probably some yard work. I plan to wear shorts outside. My lower body looks like fish, and not in a mermaidy way.

I want to be in the sun. I’ll settle for a second coffee.

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