Humidity and Banananananas

Humidity and Banananananas

Good morning, my beautiful friends. I’m taking advantage of today’s sunny forecast, and all my smallclothes are in the wash. Chaucer puked in the giant banana cat bed, so that’s in the machine as well. I can’t wait to hang out the wash:

80% undies, 20% banana

Continuing my streak of starting a TV series and never finishing it, I started Supernatural yesterday. I strapped on my new sandals and we went out to several stores to look at stoves. The sandals were angry, but not enough to chew up my feet (just yet). I overheard a woman chastising her dog in Home Depot. “You need to sit down”, she said to it. “No one likes a jumpy dog, and you’ll get more pets if you just settle down.” I’ll stick with cats, thanks.

While we were there, I looked at plants for the windowsill. They didn’t have any terrarium containers. I don’t know if Mom and Brian picked out the new appliance yet. I’m doing my best to not buy a digital microscope to look at terrarium critters.

We had dinner at the Compound. The visit was every bit as riveting as ever.

The big thing was doing exactly what I said I was going to do yesterday: no poi. My shoulders feel much better today. Aside from the Compound and shopping, I played some Baldur’s Gate 2 and not a helluva lot else. I don’t know if I’ll take the chance today and spin today, or stick to painting. Today’s forecast calls for nice weather, if a bit “humidy”, according to the people who make these decisions.

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