colors, and then no colors

colors, and then no colors

Hello, Sunday. The skies are clear and warmish, and there’s a promise of a little more warming up later this afternoon. Not much, but just enough to make it a lovely day. Considering the forecast for the rest of the week, I should probably do a load of laundry today.

We survived a Saturday trip to Walmart. They ran out of salt. I bought two pairs of jeans off the clearance rack, $5 each, which means I can throw out some of the ones that don’t fit me. Part of me thinks I should make shorts out of them. I have shorts already, I don’t need more. I won’t wear more. In fact, I’m back to thinking I need to clean out my dresser. A miniature Great Sort.

My little water color palette came in yesterday afternoon, along with a pack of my favorite pink hair dye. I filled all of the little paint pans. I know that working from a palette of 30+ colors is overkill. But, like my hair, I like having lots of options and color.

I was able to have some spin time in the afternoon. I really wanted to go outside after dinner. Sunset is later, but it’s also staying warmer later. I told Mom I planed to tear it up on her front path, grabbed my earbuds and phone and vape and got all worked up and ready to go. And then…. one of the pods’ batteries was dead. What’s the point of spinning at night if I can’t have the lights?

Sad rave is sad.


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