
In an effort to stop going to the grocery store after work every couple of days, we try to plan out the week’s meals and do one big shopping on Saturdays. The shipping list gets left out on the coffee table, and we can add things as needed.

There’s been a new schedule on the list over the past couple of weeks. Every Sunday, he plans a workweek worth of “focus colors”. Initially, this was only to keep me from wearing the same three lipsticks (out of the 50 some odd colors I have) all week. However, since I try not to scare my patients too much with unusual lip colors, I expanded the idea to eyeshadows as well. Besides, green lipstick clashes with my uniform.

I frigging love my makeup, but sometimes I get into a rut with it. I’ll sit down in the morning and think about what I’m going to do, and then just think “fuck it, let’s go neutral”. The schedule forces me to think of something new every morning. I’m having a blast with it, and he’s trying to think of new things. One of this week’s items was “favorite My Little Pony”, and another was “mauve wings galore”.

He didn’t know what shade mauve actually was, but that’s besides the point.

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