caffeine is not the only mind-altering substance this morning

caffeine is not the only mind-altering substance this morning

It’s fucking Turkey Day, y’all. We’ve got sunshine and all that fun shit. I’m up, and I’ve got a coffee. I had a decent sleep last night, no one woke me up by vomiting just below my head. The cats are out and causing trouble already. In fact, Knickknack just walked up to Chaucer, growled at him, and then gave him the side-eye as she walked past.

I spent part of yesterday getting some basic shit together for my trip. I found some mittens, but no scarf. My coat is hanging over the back of a chair. I pared down the makeup bag to … less than what it was. On a whim, I threw some poi in the pile. I debated bringing my paints with me. Considering I wouldn’t have a great spot to sit and chill outdoors, I opted to only bring the paper. This will let me work on sketches and prep while I’m away, and I’ll be sent back down here with a full sketchbook.

Mom and I had a talk about Mal. If they’re open, I’m calling the vet on Friday to explain that I’ll be away for a month and see if they can put my credit card on file. As far as I can tell, he’s not in any pain. He’s just faded a bit. He’s eating and drinking, but it’s almost like he’ll only do it when I’m near his dish, simply to make me happy. Mom is very, very worried that he’ll pass while I’m away. So am I.

We’re going to the Compound for Thanksgiving dinner. Mom’s bringing deviled eggs. I’m bringing sweet potatoes and a vape.


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