Spin me

Spin me

Welcome to Tuesday. The sun is shining, the cats are pacing, the washer is running. Typical morning.

The weather teams pumped everyone up over the last weekend for tropical storm Fred. After all of that talk, we got nothing. Brian took all the bird feeders down before he left for work, just in case. His efforts were for nothing. Although it drizzled on and off all day, we saw only about 20 minutes of solid rain, and no more wind than a normal day.

So I stayed inside and played Assassin’s Creed 3 all afternoon while I waited for the mail to come in. I’m enjoying it so far. The story is a bit “meh” so far. However, I’m coming from Black Flag, which had a story that grabbed me right away.

My new practice poi were delivered from Poi to the World, and they are fucking amazing. The difference between these and the fabric ones I made is incredible. Unfortunately, the mail came too late to really play with them. I took them outside after dark to give them a quick spin, and the only description I have for them is delicious. They are positively lovely to spin.

Flash off, flash on.

I can’t wait to give them a proper play today.


  1. I had to wipe my arse with leaves. And I think there were some ants in there, so I now literally have ants in my pants. And soil, and some earwigs.

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