Morning, y’all. We’ve all barely tucked into our first morning mugs, while the cats are being weird fuckers bright and early.
Mom stumbled upon a growling mass of fur in the early morning darkness of the living room. The mass turned out to be Knickknack and Chaucer. Knickknack had found something interesting. Chaucer wanted her to share. Mom split them up before a fight could break out, and Knickknack retreated under a small table, where her fat ass got stuck.

Later, I woke up to one of the cats yowling in the kitchen. I assumed it was Chaucer, because that’s what he does. Mal was snuggled in bed with me, right near my chest. However, when I slid my legs around to have a good stretch, another cat jumped off the bed. But… If Chaucer wasn’t meowing from the kitchen… WHICH CAT WAS IT? Knickknack has two known sound options – demon and squeaky toy. No one has ever heard heard sound remotely cat-like. Additionally, she FUCKING HATES ME. The idea of her hauling her spherical body up into my high bed for secret nighttime cuddles just tickles me.
I spent yesterday morning doing a barefoot workout under the tree. It felt better than some of my recent ones. Considering what I did, I’m actually kind of impressed I’m mobile this morning. Later, before the clouds packed in too thickly, I slipped in an afternoon spin session. Mom and I drove in a big loop to collect mail and trash bins from the traveling family members’ houses.
Mom’s going to clean her friend’s house today, so I’ll have the house to myself for a couple of hours. I might go out, or do a workout before lunch. More than likely, I’ll take advantage of the alone time for just a workout and some absolutely blazing poi spinning.