blowing in a transcendental wind

blowing in a transcendental wind

Happy Friday, my darlings. The sun is up and so is the humidity. I’m guessing today will be a repeat of tomorrow, as far as the weather is concerned. So far, so good.

I had a good day yesterday, aside from WordPress eating a post. I went outside for a workout, and that was pretty good. Lunch was pretty good, and I spent some time outside with an afternoon poi session. Before dinner, I started the arduous task of updating the firmware on the poi. When I upgraded shit last year, it took me hours. The capsules that power my handles “don’t reliably connect” to the upgrade software. It takes a bunch of fucking around with settings before I can upgrade them. The sticks were easier than the handles. Unfortunately, I had to delete my favorites and recreate them. Somehow, one of the four lights added an extra favorite to its list, so all the favorites were out of sync. If that’s the only hitch, I’ll consider it a win.

However, once everything was upgraded, I saved a bunch of favorites again. It was another gorgeous night. The bugs stayed off me. I didn’t see any frogs in the grass, and stayed outside for a bit over an hour.

I just didn’t want to be inside all day.

I’m doing my laundry today. I think my mom is silently testing to see if I’ll do it myself. Once it’s all in the wash, I’ll do makeup, hang the clothes on the lines, and go out to Walmart. I need to buy Brian’s annual birthday gift card. I’ll ask Mom if she wants to do the food shopping today or over the weekend.


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