Even bad coffee is good coffee

Even bad coffee is good coffee

Happy Monday. It’s a slightly sunny morning, but that shit changes. We had a lot of rain overnight, but we’re looking at spotty storms all day. We’ll see what happens with the day’s plans.

We didn’t spend all of yesterday at the house. We went out for groceries strong lunchtime, and then had dinner at the Confederate Compound. I expected a trip out to buy a new recliner. Brian tried to return to his seat to its full upright position and the motor was dead. The motor didn’t making protesting noises, it was just silent and dead. He eventually disconnected enough stuff so he can open and close it, but it’s not easy.

I offered to help design a system of pulleys from the ceiling and wall to help open and close the chair, but mom said ABSOLUTELY NOT. I’m sure it won’t be long before we’re out looking for something new.

Today’s plans, if the weather agrees, involve getting in the dirt. Mom wants my help with some garden stuff. I want to go out for a little while, just to get out. Once the two of us are dressed and ready for public consumption, we’ll do the outdoor work while we can. I can go out in anything, right?


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