Saturdays should be FUN, right?

Saturdays should be FUN, right?

What’s up, party people? It’s Saturday. That means EXTRA COFFEE. ☕

Well, that’s not just a Saturday thing. I’ll accept extra coffee any day of the week.

We spent an hour or so outside last night. It was perfect weather for some backyard poi. He controlled the music and the camera, as usual. I’m sure the neighbors were amused.

Today will hopefully be an easy shift. It’s only three hours, but with that pharmacist, it can feel like a full day sometimes. She’s mentally exhausting, moreso with the added business of having a trainee back there with us.

I feel like she expects NewTech to know everything about every aspect of filling prescriptions, but won’t let her actually do anything. NewTech has done nothing but count pills, run a register, and take the computer-based learning courses that focus on pharmacy regulations and corporate policies. She hasn’t entered a prescription. In fact, she hasn’t even touched the system with the exception of touching the big button that says “READY TO FILL”, which only displays the next script and prints its label. AND THEN, The Annoying One has the gall to say something like “I’m having my doubts about NewTech” when the girl leaves the pharmacy for a bathroom break.

Aside from work, I plan to do nothing all day. I think I’ll hang out in the yard and drill some spins. Watching my moves on video is great for pointing out things I need to work on.

Enjoy the weekend, my friends 💫


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