Looks like catnip’s back on the menu, boys.

Looks like catnip’s back on the menu, boys.

It’s Thursday, and the weekend is right around the corner. This morning is sunny, but it’s a little chilly. The air feels much more like a New England spring than a Panhandle spring. I believe things should warm up later, at least a little.

I didn’t think Brian would enjoy the pho place last night, so when he if there was a buffet there, I said I’d much rather get that than the pho. I’m still stuffed full of Chinese buffet food. I didn’t know there was one around. It was only as we were pulling into the parking lot that I even considered the intelligence of eating at a Florida buffet during a pandemic. However, not only did they require masks when not in the booth, they also required gloves at the buffet. Additionally, they actually enforced both rules.

Soooo…. Stuffed full of Chinese. It was yummy, for the most part.

I believe mom is going out today, bringing Brian’s uncle to the accountant to have his taxes done. If that’s the case, I’ll have the house to myself for the afternoon. I’m planning on a workout, and maybe some flow time. Saturday’s weather forecast looks pretty shitty. I figure I should get the sunshine while I can.

In an effort to stimulate Chaucer‘s brain and hopefully wear him out before bedtime, I bought a bunch of cat toys yesterday afternoon. Mom was playing with one of the toys last night, a stuffed jellyfish on a stick, and was amazed that Knickknack actually played. She said Knickknack never really played, just growls and bitches about her existence. They never bought her anything more than those little catnip mice. I told her maybe she’s a bitchy cat because she needed toys.

Cat toys are on the weekend shopping list.


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