It’s Snowing Again

It’s Snowing Again

Good morning, world. Thursday – aka “Friday Lite” – is upon us.

Shawshank would like me to make it clear that contrary to what it may have seemed like in yesterday’s post, he absolutely does NOT tell me what I can and can’t buy. However, I do use his “approval” to calm my always instant buyer’s remorse.

For the record, I can spend about $51/hour in a craft store. I know that’s small potatoes to some of y’all, but that’s with restraint. I hope with more training and good sponsorship, I can get those numbers up.

Since I was out and about, I also bought some wet food for the boys. They went insane. You would have thought I had dropped an entire chicken dinner on the floor for them. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Chaucer eat that quickly and not immediately throw up everywhere.

After the impromptu trip out, I spent yesterday afternoon crafting. I made it through about 90 minutes of daytime talk television while I figured out how to do things. By that point, I had the general idea/method pretty solidly figured out. Then I realized I didn’t need to

  1. watch daytime TV
  2. be sober

And that’s how I spent the entire afternoon and the first part of the evening: watching Buffy, positively LIT, and hot gluing shit to other shit. I didn’t do anything else all day. It’s a damned good thing I did a workout before I went to the craft store.

It’ll be finished by the end of the day. Shawshank claimed it as his. Something like 20 years ago he made up the rule of prima creatio. The first versions of any new craft experiments are his.

Other Minor Shit….

I haven’t heard anything about the house since Monday’s (or Tuesday’s) email. Because I haven’t actually spoken to our agent since last Friday, I expect she’ll call today or tomorrow. Next week, we have a smoke/carbon detector inspection.

I also expect my mother will call. I’m surprised she hasn’t this week.

Sobriety it is, I guess.


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