I feel like everything is just a big case of SAME SHIT DIFFERENT DAY. I’m awake, I have a coffee, Mal is crying, and local news is on the TV. Poor Mal, I wish he could talk and tell me what is so upsetting to him every morning. EVERY. SINGLE. MORNING.

Someone should be here this afternoon to pick up a dresser that makes up the “coffee station”. That’s only six or seven more bits of furniture to go. I really should just lower the prices on stuff. There was good reason to say “some money is better than no money” when it came to the stuff I listed on Facebook over the last year. I have to remind myself that the faster stuff sells, the less I deal with people.

And cheap stuff sells faster.

Aside from the coffee nook dresser, I have nothing else on the agenda. I have to empty the dresser; it’s been used to store baking dishes and some small appliances. That woman can take my dresser, but the waffle iron stays with me. There’s also the issue of the actual “coffee nook” itself – the Keurig and all of its accoutrements, and the microwave. Thankfully, I do have a second folding table in the kitchen. Everything will just move slightly to the right. Unless I just slide the table over.

Update: took 3 minutes and lowered marketplace prices while I was thinking of it.

I need to take down the pictures hanging around the house today. The majority of our wall stuff is oil paintings from my great grandmother. I want to take one of the paintings, but the rest will go to an uncle and my mother. We also have some framed and matted photos and prints, and Shawshank and I have to go through those during some video chat.

My only other goal for today is to text my uncle. We need to schedule time to bring over a lamp and some old books I found. While I’m there, I’ll let him go through the paintings and my grandmother’s needlepoint pillow collection.

Update 2: almost immediately get a message about an item on Facebook, not about the item in the listing, but wanting an item related to an item in the background. The listing says “desk”, Debra, not “mixer that came in the box you see in the background”.

Oh well. Time to do shit. Have a good Sunday, my friends.


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