Everything I own in a box to the left.

Everything I own in a box to the left.

G’day, people. Or, if it’s not a good day, it’s at least another day. You’re here. I’m here. It’s a start, and it is what it is. And what it is, is damned chilly out there. Shawshank would call it “brisk”. The temps have been below average for the last couple of days, and the weekend will be above average. “Just so you’re aware, there will be a wind chill to deal with”, said the weather report. At least the sunrise was pretty.

I had a shitty sleep, and I woke up a few times. I remember laying there at 3:37am, wondering why I was awake. What woke me up? Why was it so quiet? Was the furnace working? Oh god, it’s broken again, isn’t it… I laid there under 20 lbs of blankets and freaked out for a solid 10 minutes. Then the heat kicked on. I could stop worrying, at least for a little while.

I spent a couple of hours last night tidying. A couple came over and picked up the end tables, a coffee table, and two lamps. We negotiated from $80 down to $50 after we discovered a small bit of damage on the coffee table. I hadn’t noticed when I listed it. I would have accepted $50 even before that. After dinner, I tackled the dishes before things got out of hand.

The big accomplishment was The Pink Room. I dragged Shawshank‘s army cadet footlocker up from the basement. There wasn’t much in it, mostly a bunch of cadet patches and pins. I tossed out a bunch of old scrubs. There’s a few items left out because they’re in the hamper. It’s weird to have all of my clothes pared down to a footlocker.

Today is another late shift. I’ve got a workout to do once I hit “POST”. I think it might be another split shift, which usually makes for a good day. I’m looking forward to a spicy tofu and ramen bowl for dinner.

1 Comment

  1. Shawshank

    You do that with the furnace, I hear a bump or a thump, and i think intruder. And boom, i have no weapon. No cricket bat.

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