The cats won’t let me sleep in.

The cats won’t let me sleep in.

It’s a nasty, rainy, cold Thursday. I’ve been up, on and off, since 2:30am. I may do the same thing I did a few days ago: post, work out, and then nap for an hour. Thankfully, my tea is hot, if not as super caffeinated as I’d have liked.

The store manager has been on my case to attend one of the seven conference calls this week. I’ve attempted to listen in on two of them on different days. Both of them were just dead air. I wasn’t the only one with the problem, at least according to the Microsoft Teams chat. However, it offered the opportunity for me to stand around and not talk to patients.

In better news, my repaired poi is back from Flowtoys. Yay!

Just in time for the cold weather to officially stick.

Time to go bust my ass upstairs. Have a good Thursday, my lovelies.


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