Fuck Mondays

Fuck Mondays

I can’t stand working with him. It’s not the fact that I can’t understand a fucking word he says because of his accent. It’s not the fact that he asks us the same questions every single time he works with us, about things we – the techs – don’t handle. He’s simply a terrible employee and I have no idea how he’s managed to keep his job as long as he has. He doesn’t do anything, he doesn’t listen, and he has no sense of what to prioritize. We had two people there to receive flu shots, and we told him “listen, they’ve been here for almost a half hour, they handed in their forms 15 minutes ago”. What’s he do? Check voicemail.

For 10 minutes.

Then, an hour later, he repeated the same exact scenario with another couple who came in for their flu shots.

The phones weren’t working properly for the entire day. Like StressedRPh, he also doesn’t follow the proper workflow, and I’m left doing everything. Counting, answering phones, entering scripts, filling, etc, is all on the techs. Consequently, I’m running between the register to ring out patients, to the opposite end of the pharmacy to count something, then back to the register to answer the only working phone. He kept rebooting his phone because he thought it would help. Then he’d somehow end up able to use the phone, but kept putting people on speaker. So now here’s Dingleberry McBollywood with the handset up to his head like it fucking works, while the patient calling is putting their info on blast for everyone in the area to hear.

Unfortunately, it didn’t get much better when DayTech arrived. We didn’t need to run around as much but he didn’t help. Then the power went out right before I was supposed to leave. It was enough to reset every system in the store. When her shift was over, DayTech said all the phones were down after that, and none of the prescription scanners would work.

Today, I have a split shift with Useless and Matryoshka. Thankfully, only the first half of the day is with Useless and I close up with someone decent.

I’ll start the day with a good workout this morning. I have a few people to reply to about Facebook Marketplace sales, and hopefully I’ll have some more stuff out of the house this week. Tomorrow is trash day, and more stuff can go outside. The weekend is supposed to be nice, and I’ll build my sleeping platform.

Ok. Time to head upstairs and bust my ass. Have a good Tuesday.

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