I can’t deal with any of this.

My mother-in-law is currently in full freak-out mode about Shawshank‘s impending arrival. Not because she’s worried about him, or his mental status after 3 months in jail, or how he’ll make it across the country after ICE brings him over the border, but because I swear to God she thinks Justin Trudeau himself is going to haul her into jail if she breaks quarantine.

At the same time, Shawshank is in full freak-out mode as well. He’s worried about how he’ll get where he needs to go, and how bad his agoraphobia will be when he’s out. He’s convinced his parents don’t want him there. He thinks I’m only humoring him and will ignore his calls as soon as he’s out of the country.

In the meantime, a grand total of TWO FUCKING PEOPLE (besides Shawshank himself) have sincerely asked me how I am. BossRPh and a friend on the Discord server I refer to as the “hive mind of mental illness”.


  1. Gone

    Yeh…. things are opening up like crazy here. Canada is not that locked down. If she is on the highway, she may need a good reason, but advising that she is on the way to pick up someone being formally removed from the US in a private vehicle would qualify. Jesus. She just needs some copies of the emails from the consulate people. It’s not rocket science. I work every day. I am on the road, with 4 people
    In a truck and no one stops us. She’s catastrophizing.

    • crystal

      She lives in the middle of nowhere. Judging by my quick look this afternoon, Shawshank’s idea of taking a bus across the country isn’t going to work, and he’ll probably be flying from Montreal to Regina. She sent me a copy/paste of quarantine rules from one of the government websites and asked if the US was going to pay to put him up in a hotel for two weeks.

      I tried to explain to her that he’s probably the safest out of all of us at this point. His facility has been on full quarantine lock down for the last 45 days. Staff is assigned to one unit only, and no one is joining his unit, only leaving. Detainees have their own PPE and they’re required to wear it when they’re not in their rooms. All meals, mail deliveries, and laundry service is contactless, everything is left outside their doors.

      I understand she’s stressed, but I don’t have the answers she wants, and I have a bit more on my plate at the moment than worrying about the possibility of she’ll need to leave her little bubble of Saskatchewan prairie for half a day.

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