A game of “do I have the rona?”

A game of “do I have the rona?”

Remember this morning, when I was bitching about sleeping too late and not having the energy or ambition to do a workout? Well, I DID A WORKOUT TODAY!

However, the only reason I got to do it was because they closed the place down for the day to do a deep cleaning.

But I got paid for the whole day.

But DayTech‘s on quarantine because her husband tested positive for Covid-19, and can’t return to work for two weeks.

Right now, I’m waiting for my doctor to get back to me about whether he’ll make a referral for me to be tested. DayTech’s husband isn’t the only family member who has tested positive; the mother of one of the cashiers tested positive last weekend as well, and the cashier has 10 days left on her own quarantine.

I’m only worried because DayTech’s husband has had no symptoms at all. His job makes them check their temperature when they arrive and before they leave, and the Friday night or Saturday morning check turned up a little higher than they’d have liked. He doesn’t have any symptoms; the high temp was gone by Sunday, and his only complaint has been “skin pain”, describing it as a similar feeling to a sunburn.

When she said that this morning, I immediately freaked out a bit. I had the same feeling on Monday, but figured it was because I’d spent the weekend playing outside. Between that sunburnt feeling, some muscle pain that’s lasted a day or so longer than my typical “I did a good workout” soreness, and the feeling worn out in the mornings, I want to get tested. On top of that, it’s allergy season, and I’ve been debating whether the tickle in my throat is because of all the fun shit that spring pollen brings out, or if I’ve actually got the ‘rona.

I dropped a line with my doctor’s office, to try and schedule a tele-visit and talk about a referral for a test. He tried to call back, but I was on the phone with the store manager, who called to relay the fact we’ll be getting new masks at work, having our temp taken when we punch in or out, and the cleaning crew that came in this afternoon was a complete joke.

He emailed me to tell me to consider staying home until I can get a test.

Bring on the brain swab, and let’s get this over with.


  1. Italia

    I hear that test is awful.. my brother in law and sister in law both tested positive .. he is an EMT .. no symptoms at all. But passed it to her .. she had flu like symptoms and loss sense of taste and smell …. been a month she still hasn’t gotten them back ..

    • crystal

      I saw some clips of the test getting done and thought it was similar to a throat culture, until I saw a clip from the side and saw how far in they swab. I’m not looking forward to it, I’m already envisioning them getting caught on my nose jewelry.

      And DayTech’s husband had no symptoms either, which is why I was getting nervous. He had nothing at all for the last few days, even after his fever was gone. But here I am, exposed to every bit of sickness the ghetto has to offer, and assuming my ticklish throat is only allergies.

      • Italia

        Yeah my Brother-in-law never even had a fever .. and the throat tickle could still be allergies ..it’s always allergies .. till it’s not.. hopefully all the ghettos sickness has built you a good immune system and you will not not get sick

  2. Frell. Hope that test comes back negative. Totally not a good time (if ever). All the best!

  3. Happy Thursday, my friends! Today would have been my late shift, but things were switched up with DayTech being banished from the village for two weeks. Thankfully, they’ve convinced NewTech to work today. I sincerely hope they managed to convince her to come in early today, because it’s going to be an absolute shitshow.

    The store manager let me know what sort of “precautions” they’re taking: better masks for the people who were in contact with DayTech, and checking employees’ temperature when they punch in and out for their shifts. I finally managed to talk to my doctor last night. He arranged for me to get tested tomorrow morning. Hopefully, things turn up negative, but I won’t know until next week.

    I filled Shawshank in on things when he called last night. He’s understandably worried, but as he put it, “the way things are going, I always figured chances are good that one of us will get it.” Captain America spent a record 5 hours on their unit yesterday. She told him that as of right now, there’s no timeframe for his removal. They simply don’t know what’s happening.

    The other detainees asked him if they knew when he’d be sent home. Shawshank told them they didn’t have a time yet. “But you’re only going right nextdoor!” one said. “You could be there in like 9 hours if you drive!” It’s sheltering in place, but in an ICE detainment facility. The current total of Covid cases is 10 inmates and 3 staff. He’s reached a point where he’s accepted this isn’t ending any time soon. He’s requested to talk to someone about what mental health options they have in there, and applied for a job to keep himself occupied.

    Tonight, I want to do the food shopping. I don’t know what’s going to happen with this test, and I want to be stocked up.

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