no good very bad

This was a long, looooong fucking day.

Whatshisface was in rare form. I’m almost positive that when I punched out for lunch yesterday, he left everything exactly where it was. He had the entire pharmacy alone, undisturbed by patients, and he literally did nothing. At all. After I punched out and the cleaning crew cleaned the pharmacy, he went up into the office, did an hour of computer training, and nothing good very bad

I unlocked the gate, punched in, and found a huge stack of patient leaflets waiting for me. There were also several order baskets waiting to be filled – the four or so I had pre-filled before lunch yesterday. On screen? No less than 60 things to be filled. Mind you, I arrived at 9am, and the pharmacy had already been open for an hour at that point, and he hadn’t done anything productive that I could see. For what it’s worth, he did take care of the register and most of the incoming calls while I tried to keep up with the orders. Think Lucille Ball in the candy factory.

Just before lunch he tells me “you have a lot of patient care calls to make.” Fuck yo patient care calls. Corporate doesn’t care about the patients, they care about filling their scripts and getting paid for it. He must’ve asked the same three or four questions a bunch of different times like he expected he might receive a different answer if he figured out the perfect sequence of words. I lost count of how often I told him not to ask me questions about anything to do with narcotics. I don’t touch them, I don’t order them, I don’t receive them. As logic dictates, I can’t answer his fucking questions.

At about 2:30 pm, the store manager came back to the pharmacy. Surprise! NewTech called out! For those of you keeping score, she pulled a no-show last week, and she left two hours early on Saturday because she “forgot” she was on until 4 pm. She was supposed to work tonight to make up for not working yesterday, but her sitter cancelled Whatshisface, when given the news, looked at me and said, “so you’ll be staying, right?”

Fuck all that shit. No, I won’t be staying.

I warned StressedRPh. I have my test in the morning, sometime between 9 and 10 am. I’ll be in as soon as I can, and there’s going to be a second tech during the day, but Jesus-Mary-and-Joseph, will she ever be walking into a complete shitshow in the morning.

Later in the afternoon, after the fifth question about narcotics, I texted DayTech. “I’m coming to your house after work, and Imma tongue kiss your husband because the ‘rona can only be a step up from what I’m dealing with here.” She didn’t agree.

Tomorrow, first thing in the morning, my brain is getting poked with a q-tip. I’m totally not looking forward to it, but at least I’ve got a normal pharmacist for the day.

One Comment

  1. May 9, 2020

    Good morning, my internet darlings. It’s Saturday, and I’m awake, with my second cup of coffee. I’m debating putting real clothes on. For the moment, however, the “comfies” will do. It’s not like I’m leaving the house, right? The weather’s a bit too cold to even play in the yard this weekend.

    My first stop yesterday morning was to be tested for Covid-19. I was fifth in line, and everything was super organized. Sadly, they didn’t allow me to record it. Honestly, after I saw a few video clips of the actual test process, I was freaked out. Considering the amount of tattoos and body piercings I have, some in really sensitive areas, a swab up the nose should have been easy. And it totally was. I warned the guy in the beekeeper outfit to stay out of my right nostril or risk the pipecleaner sticking on a nose ring. He thanked me for the warning, and then violated my face.

    It didn’t hurt, but it certainly wasn’t comfortable. I firmly believe the Silkwood beekeeper could have swabbed the part they hit if he’d gone in through my mouth and didn’t need to get to it through my nose, but whatever. Beekeeper’s kink isn’t my kink, and that’s ok.

    But, it was still better than Thursday’s shift.

    Yesterday’s shift was a long day with StressedRPh and pretty much exactly what I expected. She’s a bit pissed off that the interim manager hasn’t taken over in our location yet. He (Music Man) is a fill-in pharmacist, and all the floater schedules were already in place when BossRPh left. Rather than switch out everyone’s schedule, the district office decided he would take over for the next cycle.

    StressRPh is mad that she has to handle all the “manager-y” things before he starts. This isn’t anything new. BossRPh had knee surgery a few years ago, and was out for two months. StressedRPh was the interim manager while she was out. StressedRPh assumed she would receive a manager salary for the extra responsibility. When she didn’t, she confronted the DM and was told “you should’ve negotiated that before you agreed to do it”. Now she’s bitter because she’s doing the same manager things, such as the fact that NewTech didn’t make it in for any shifts last week and finding coverage for DayTech‘s shifts. I feel like she firmly believes all the district’s floater pharmacists should have had their schedules switched around so he could start immediately.

    It’s mother’s day weekend. Happy mother’s day, if that’s your jam. I little old woman wished me a happy mother’s day “even if you’re not a mother, you’re still here caring for people.” That’s nice, because one of our batshit crazy regulars lodged a customer complaint – “the pharmacy treated me like trash” -because Whatshisname wouldn’t ring out her carriage full of bullshit. I sent my mom presents this week, her annual combination birthday/mother’s day presents. Hopefully, they’ll show up next week. I won’t talk about what they are, because it’s a fucking surprise.

    Speaking of gifts, I sent Shawshank an order of books and photos this week. I picked up Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five and Cat’s Cradle, and Umberto Eco’s Foucault’s Pendulum. They should be arriving at various points next week. If anyone has any suggestions on what to send him, drop me a line and I’ll add them to the list I’m making. I also sent him another small batch of photos. Last month, I sent photos of me and the cats. This month, I sent more pictures of us, as well as some photos of the places I want to see while I make the trek to Canada.

    What to Do? Fuck all.

    My plans for the weekend are, once again, pretty damned simple. I need to do some regularly scheduled chores, mostly the typical cleaning things. The laundry can wait until tomorrow. Mostly, I want to declutter the common space again. The boxes are piling up.

    However, I’m not looking forward to the potential meeting with the giant centipede in the bathroom again.

    It’s also #selfcaresaturday, which means I can be found in the tub for a couple of hours tonight. I plan on making a black bean soup tonight, and I’ll probably have enough leftover for another night or two of dinners. Shawshank will be calling before dinner, to once more regale me with tales from the Inside.

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