sunlight again

sunlight again

HOLY SHIT THERE’S SUN OUTSIDE. Yes, the rain stopped, the clouds blew out and the wind left with them. I woke up around the normal time, although not quite as early. Overheating again, naturally, but I straightened my shit out and scrolled on my phone. Neither cat was in bed with us, as far as I could tell. Eventually, I gave Shawshank the prod and woke him up.

Yesterday was better than the prior days. I took a shower and did the human things, which included both clothes and makeup. In an attempt to reset myself somewhat, I loaded up one of my favorite yoga videos. I bit off more than I could chew, because I can not handle an hour of yoga anymore. I felt a twinge of protest in my shoulders when I pulled on my shirt this morning. Unused muscle pains, I hear my father’s voice telling me in my head.

Since the yoga as intended was a flop, I loaded up a TikTok stream and played some Tears of The Kingdom while I chatted. Several of the regulars who had noticed my absence came in to ask where I’d been this week. I’m in a weird place in the game; I have most of the main quest lines started, but I don’t think I can confidently finish them. It doesn’t help that I have no idea what I’m going into with the bigger battles because I’m pretty sure Shawshank did all of them during my Friday night bubble baths. As a result, I ran around and found a couple of caves and shrines, dying twice in the process.

After he came home, we watched some videos and eventually went out to dinner. I’ve combined two of their regular burgers and concocted a delicious chicken sandwich with mushrooms and bacon that they make special for me. I ate most of the fries. We came home, where Shawshank stuck me in the tub and I pretended to be a sponge. Can I hydrate via osmosis? I don’t know, but I certainly will try.

We’re going out today. It’s time for the semi-monthly shopping trip in Slightly BiggerTown. I need to do the human things before we go out.


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