

The forecast calls today “pleasant”, which is code for “cloudy, but at least your balls won’t stick to your leg”. I woke up around the time Shawshank the coffee pot was probably finishing up the morning brew. Once again, I tried in vain to go back to sleep, ultimately failing and just waiting for him to leave for work.

I didn’t want to move yesterday. As usual, I made an attempt to play Just Dance in the morning, but gave up after around 6 songs. While I used to enjoy doing hour-long strength training workouts, the heat and humidity weren’t a good mix with the game’s cardio. If I were ambitious, I would switch back to weights for the rest of the week.

But I’m not ambitious. I am a sloth.

Hopefully, the forecast is correct about today’s weather. I don’t actually have balls, but I welcome weather that doesn’t leave my tits icky-sticky-sweaty. The humidity has been oppressive without a breeze. Today, we can enjoy some relief. It’s foggy as fuck, but at least it’s not edging into triple digits.

Thursday, that’s when the hot stuff is supposed to come back in force. In that case, I might demand a kiddy pool filled with cornstarch to combat the muggies.


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