This is Friday and I’m going to fucking enjoy it.

I woke up around 6am, with the Chromebook on my lap. I vaguely remember jolting awake while watching Outlander and thinking time to sleep, put it on the floor. Apparently, that didn’t happen. What gave out first, I wonder, the battery or Netflix? Who knows? All I do know is that the battery was dead and it ruined my plan to wake and bake and write this post from the back patio this morning.

Mom made it safely up north. She’s staying with my uncle and aunt while she’s there. They’re in the process of packing up their own house after about 35 years in it. She says there’s boxes everywhere and my uncle is very stressed out. I just received a text from her:

Well guess what I didn't pack? All my bras! I can't believe it!

Guess she’s hitting the stores this morning.

Yesterday afternoon, I went out and did all the shopping I wanted to do. I walked into the smoke shop and said my hellos to everyone. One of the regular cashiers at the counter excitedly squeals at me, “oh my god, are you [insert ridiculous username used on various social media]?” There had been some recent in-store debate over who I was in a recent comment I made about them somewhere online, and whether or not I was married to someone with an equally ridiculous username.

Spoiler alert: I am not.

I painted for a little while in the afternoon. Not long, because I was in the front yard with only one canvas and no table to hold all of my shit. I’m pretty much done with both paintings. I need to put just a couple of tiny tweaks on Shawshank‘s to tidy things up. The Tudor-style house needs a little more contrast dropped in.

I’ll finish them today and then move on to the next ones.

One Comment

  1. John H
    October 22, 2021

    LOL that’s awesome Crystal, enjoy your Friday!!! 😁😎👍

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