Rocket baby, come on, I’ll be your satellite of love

Rocket baby, come on, I’ll be your satellite of love

Hello, Saturday. I see sunshine, and I think both cats are in the doorway soaking it up. I’ve been up, but it wasn’t early enough to be angry about it. Chaucer came up and tried to persuade me to leave the bed and feed him, but eventually settled down. He curled up beside me, waiting for someone else to feed him.

We made a trip down the road to the old folks’ home yesterday. The residents were having their summer BBQ. The food was good, and there’s always some sort of mysterious dessert to try. What I thought might’ve been carrot halwa was (I think) orange jello with crushed pineapple. I restrained myself from using the bouncy castle they brought this year. I know my limits. I’m a fragile delicate flower who could be crushed. I will do something stupid and cause myself grievous injury.

I finished up my batch of hair in the afternoon. Hopefully, there’s enough. I counted what I have installed right now, matched that, and added a few extras. There wasn’t much work to be done yesterday; I sealed up the half dozen worms I’d created and called it an afternoon. I still need to tidy their ends, but they look pretty good. I’m happy with how they turned out. In the sunlight you can really see how red the “pink” is. The whole batch reminds me of a Rocket pop.

Today is a hair day. I’m going to take out what’s in, assume a human form, and maybe play some Just Dance.


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