

Mornin’, y’all. Happy Saturday. I got a little more sleep this morning; it was probably only about half an hour more, but I’ll take it anyway. Unlike yesterday morning, I didn’t have a flock of crows cawing outside. If I ever have a crow army, I’ll train them to STFU until they see me.

Yesterday was pretty gray. The skies weren’t so bad in the morning – just dramatic looking – but clouds rolled in pretty early on. I opened the doors for the cats, but didn’t go outside for any spin time. Shit looked ominous in the afternoon, and only increased in ominosity as the day went on. The light took on that weird storm-light quality, but we only saw a few rain drops after dinner.

For the most part, I played Just Dance and “Monster Hunter: Rise“. Someone tried to “wElL acKsHuAllY….” me and told me I was wrong, I was playing “Monster Hunter: Wilds“. I very quickly shut that shit right the fuck down. I’m particularly aware of what game I’m playing because I fucking own it. Additionally, how the fuck you gonna argue about what I’m playing when you can’t even see my damned TV screen. Most ridiculous, “MH: Wilds” isn’t even fucking out until next year.

Shawshank has a full shift today. I’m in charge of dinner, which means I’ll have to go through the freezer and see what’s in there.


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