Good lawd, it’s dark outside. We go to bed in the dark, wake up in the dark. It will be like this for a couple of months. The change from “light morning” to “dark morning” is such a sudden shift. One morning we’ll wake up and have sunlight, only to seemingly plunge into 4 months of darkness the next.
Shawshank played Divinity for a bit in the morning. He was hitting a few of the quests I already dealt with, expecting the same big fights I had. We deal with things differently in games. He managed to skip at least two major fights that I triggered in my run.
I streamed for a while after lunch. I loaded up Skyrim in the afternoon, reloading an earlier save as planned. It wasn’t as far back as I wanted: my choices were between Friday’s save or one from September. Unless I wanted to restart almost entirely, I was midway through the ruins when I loaded, so still fucked. However, this time around, reloading fixed whatever glitch borked a door that wouldn’t open, to a room I needed to get into.

Later, Shawshank made us a fantastic dinner of nachos. I played for a bit longer after we ate, then we showered and sat around on our asses for the rest of the evening.
Today is going to be another lazy one. Shawshank plans to spend the morning watching some Critical Role. I’ll find something to amuse myself with. We’re going out tomorrow, so let’s enjoy the extra sloth today.