tiny dinos and new rules

tiny dinos and new rules

Morning, y’all. Happy Thursday. The outside world is waking up, and there’s a decent amount of morning sunshine. Supposedly, today will be very nice. My phone still periodically switches between Florida and Saskatchewan weather; I assumed I was looking at the wrong forecast when I saw today’s numbers.

Pippin is waiting for one of us to open a window for her. I will, eventually, but right now it’s a bit too cool. Later, we tell her. Unfortunately, today’s temps are probably Summer’s last dying breath. Every time I load up a 7-day forecast, things look more like Fall, on the verge of Winter. We joked last week about bringing out the coats soon. Based on the predictions for the next week, waiting for admission into the town’s haunted house is going to be a chilly time.

Yesterday wasn’t bad. The dude who ordered the custom video messaged me with his name and an extra $20 for the “exclusivity fee”. His reply was a little late for me to get into the swing of things yesterday afternoon. Besides, I’d already slapped a lot of makeup on my face, which was definitely not the post-gym look he wanted. Since I didn’t record, I brainstormed shit to say in the video. I really do not want to be sitting there making up everything on the fly.

The waitress who serves us on our weekly Date Nights lives across the street. Neither of us knows her name, but we wave now and then when we’re outside at the same time. She came over yesterday afternoon with a bag of canned cat food. Her cat passed recently, and she didn’t want to waste the expensive food she’d bought from the vet.

I’m getting a fair number of regular visitors to the TikTok stream. I switched my unwritten “rules” this week. I used to stomp on a plush dinosaur when someone sent me a “tiny diny” gift. I’ve stopped doing that, and made a new rule instead: no dino stomp until the current gift goal is met. That worked, and I ended up with about $7 in “gifts” and a new subscriber to the Smut-Hut.

The regulars decided to fuck with me a bit at one point. They met the tip goal, so I flipped the light and the camera to point at the “stomping grounds”. I squished the plushy a couple of times, then turned everything back to its original position and returned to the couch. These fuckers waited until I sat down and immediately tipped to make goal again, making me reset everything all over again.

Today will be about the same. I’m going to hit the PUBLISH button on this post, then assume a human form. I’ll spend half the morning getting into the groove by smoking a bowl and talking domme-y nonsense to the cats for a bit. After that, I’ll record my video, once I’ve sufficiently hyped myself up. I’ll spend some time trying to edit it into 10 minutes before uploading it. I’m dreading that part; I know it’ll take hours. If I’m lucky, my connection will be cooperative and it will finish before dinner.


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