Hello, Friday. And coffee. And gray skies. The weather has changed. We’re starting to use words like “bitter” and “brisk” to describe it. Judging by outside, we saw some form of precipitation overnight. Fortunately, it’s only wet, not solid.
I had an incredibly lazy Thursday. I did morning things, assumed a human form, and did some shmoozing. Shawshank came home and we had lunch and watched Youtube shorts. I planned to play/stream some Skyrim after lunch, and actually brought the controller over to the couch. Pippin had other plans, though, and demanded a cuddle. I carried her around while I gathered up the TV tech. I sat down and she immediately crawled up onto the boob-shelf. She quickly arranged herself like a cinnamon roll on my chest, under my chin, making it clear I wouldn’t easily rid myself of her.
Instead of Skyrim, I ended up grabbing a blanket and selecting a terrible docuseries on Netflix about ancient civilizations. Stuff like that is perfect for napping, doubly so when I’m secure in the knowledge that the entire series is absolute bullshit and I won’t miss anything of substance. Pippin crawled under the blanket and settled against me, and we slept for a couple of hours.
Amazingly, I didn’t have trouble falling asleep last night.
Today is Date Night. I’m going to play some games today, since the weather is gray and saddening. Shawshank has work today, and has the holiday weekend off. We’re braving the grocery store tomorrow, which we expect will be filled with Thanksgiving preppers. I’ll make some cornbread stuffing for my annual gorge.