do nothing

do nothing

Hello, world, it’s me again. The weekend is winding down, and we’re awake. The sun is out for the moment, but my phone claims we’ll see rain today. Once more, I was up early with a cough. Fortunately, the lungs settled down after a couple of hits from my inhaler.

Yesterday wasn’t supposed to be bad, but my brain had other plans. Anxiety crept in all morning, hit me with a hard panic while I was doing my makeup, then simmered just under the surface for the rest of the day. ALL DAY. I felt like a clock wound too tightly. I assured Shawshank it had nothing to do with him, and he made sure to check in but otherwise let me be. At some point, I’ll have a proper breakdown with ugly crying and/or a day of nonstop cold sweats and nausea, and the cycle will start again.

Shawshank‘s mom found a fully stocked antique sewing box on Facebook marketplace last week, and bought it with the intention of splitting its contents. She’d already taken out what she wanted, mostly needlework supplies for Shawshank‘s gran. I said I’d take the rest off her hands. Shawshank‘s dad is going to repair and tighten up the box’s hinges and handle this week.

Aside from the trip across town for dinner, yesterday was quiet. Shawshank and I played some games and did laundry. I went back to the sewers in Witcher and defeated the big frog. Unfortunately, the frog’s death triggered a cut scene and now I’m in a new place and stuck with another big fight. I was doing ok and then suddenly ended up dead, so I turned off the game for the rest of the night.

Today is Slothy Brunch Day. I’m going to put clothes on, probably assume a human form of some shape, but that might be it.


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