Hello, people. It’s midweekend for us, and it’s already warm. We’re under heat warnings for the next few days, with high humidity in the forecast. We made some bedding adjustments before bed last night, which was definitely appreciated. Both cats have been stretched out, trying to stay as cool as possible. In an effort to keep The Flat cool, Shawshank made the decision to keep most of the windows and doors closed up this morning. It’s a little darker inside than usual, and Pippin is upset she can’t bask in the sunbeams. He keeps telling her we’ll all appreciate this later.
Yesterday wasn’t too bad. We had a nice drive out to Slightly BiggerTown in the morning. The skies were clear and sunny. Everything is turning green. Very faint rows of little green seedlings are popping up in some farmers’ fields. A lot more of the trees are in bloom, and I saw a random cow hanging out alone in some woods.
We checked out the dollar store in town, grabbing a couple of random bits. I found some elastic that will be good for cuffs and ruffles. Shawshank ran into the grocery store to get the needed coffee and Lucky Charms required to get through the rest of the weekend. Then we went around the corner to the dispo. They were having a sale on the dried flower I like, so I bought some while I could save some money. He bought us our carts, and treated himself to a giant bong for his birthday. We went out to lunch at the only fast food place around, then headed back home.

The rest of the day is a blur of Tears of The Kingdom. We snuggled up on the couch and watched Dungeons and Dragons after dinner and a shower.
Today should be the quietest of the three days Shawshank has off. We’re switching up the typical weekend plans a little. Since we won’t be home tomorrow, we’re having our little brunch today. He’s loaded up the washer. I’ll probably make some dinosaur pants.