
Hello, world. Happy Saturday. The sun’s out, but there’s a bit of wind out there this morning. I’d like to be able to say that Spring has finally arrived in TinyTown, but I hesitate to make it a proper, official declaration. Shawshank was reading TinyTown weather facts just last night, bullshit things like “we’ve had snow in June”. I’ve gone back to sleeping with the mask/headphone rig and made it to about 5:30am, so I guess you could say I slept in.

Our Friday was good. Shawshank worked, and even sold some furniture. I tried to take some pictures, but only had my little tripod, which isn’t very good for that sort of thing. After lunch, I sketched up a basic pattern for the crafty project utilizing all the discontinued fabric samples Shawshank brought home for me this week. I decided to go with the kimono-coat, because it’s pretty much all straight lines. I cleared some space on the living room floor and laid out a bunch of the samples to gauge the dimensions and determine if I even had enough samples. Once I confirmed there should be enough, I pushed everything to the side of the room. Then, I ignored it for the rest of the afternoon.

I warmed up for my afternoon spin time with some practice with the leviwand.

I’m getting more comfortable with it. Leviwand is a prop that needs space, which is at a premium in the living room (in fact, a TikTok friend just broke her TV with her wand this week). Practicing the wand inside is similar to indoor spin time with the poi. I’m forcing myself to pay attention to the movements and be very deliberate rather than flailing about. The wand doesn’t come up in the live streams. First and foremost, I don’t feel like I’m good enough to “perform” with it. I’m not that great, and I don’t make it look anywhere near as natural as other people. I brought it out during a stream once; someone in chat asked if I had any other amazing talents. Additionally, unlike poi, a leviwand under my control has an “uptime” of about 90 seconds.

We had dinner at our usual haunt once Shawshank left work. Things are still a little up in the air over there. The regular cook was out, and the owner is “recovering”, from what, we don’t know. A younger waitress was acting as the cook last night. The poor woman had to listen to the older waitress talk about her fears about virtual reality. Also, she claims someone in Regina logs into her phone for 40 minutes every month, logs her out, fucks around with everything in her phone, then logs her back into everything.

We just rolled our eyes and continued eating dinner.

Today is sloth day. Normally, we’d go out shopping. We’re going out on Monday instead, so we can hit a couple of secondhand shops that aren’t open on weekends. I’m going to pin a shitload of fabric squares together and slather my head in blue dye and conditioner.


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