no pants, no problem

Hello, world. The sun is up, there’s a dove cooing in the yard, and Chaucer nearly puked in his food bowl. It’s Sunday morning.

Yesterday was nice. Shawshank worked for the first half of the day. I went full human mode, and put on clothes. I loaded up TikTok and did a live stream for an hour, but eventually shut that down out of boredom. Things were pretty slow compared to my regular afternoon numbers, which was fine with me. I had the curtains pulled halfway closed and used the LED poi to their halfway best potential. Shawshank promised I’ll be able to go outside and spin in the dark for at least three nights this summer. Once the weather gets to the point when I don’t need to be swathed in multiple layers and I find a fuel container, I’m busting out the fire poi.

Shawshank came home from work while I was playing Hades. We went out to Slightly BiggerTown and did some light shopping. We nearly scored a fabulous deal on a vaporizer at the dispo, but we don’t need any new toys like that. By the time we finished and made it back home, it was just about time to make dinner. He put the goods away while I chopped some Brussels sprouts. We stuffed ourselves and lounged like sloths on the couch for the rest of the evening.

We’re going to Shady Acres for dinner tonight, and will probably do some laundry or chores or some shit.


  1. VAS it means vape acquisition syndrome. I have it. I have a bad case of it. I have way too many different ways to consume concentrates and I feel your pain. I’m just curious what the vaporizer was called

    • Also something about the title of the post. No pants, no problems. It gave me feelings that bordered on inappropriate

    • crystal

      It was a Pax3. They had both the 2 and 3 in stock and on sale, but had their little sale signs reversed in the display cases. We pointed it out to the guy and he said “why, you want it? You guys are chill, I’d do it”.

      And I have a problem with pipes. There’s a few on the table now 😁

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