real girl

real girl

Look, it’s another damned Thursday. We’re a little chilly out there again, still under an extreme cold warning for the day. My mother texted me last night to let me know it was beautiful in Florida yesterday; not hot enough for the air conditioner, leaving the windows and doors open for some breeze. I told her I had legwarmers and footy-pajamas for every day of the week. Several hours later – well past her bedtime – she texted to ask if I needed anything more to keep warm.

I’m good; I just want to return to days when I don’t need to wear multiple pairs of pants at the same time.

I’m currently glued to Youtube, watching the Alex Murdaugh trial. Or Alec. Or Ellick. Or whatever you want to call him. This is like OJ all over again. And this time around, I’m not in school. I’m not working, I have nothing to do but watch this shit. I brought the laptop into the bathroom yesterday and watched testimony from a bubble bath.

When I left the tub, I watched it while I shot some pics. I wasn’t really in the mood (remember, I’ve been listening to murdery things for 6 hours at this point), so I feel like none of the pics turned out very good.

So now I’m going to be a human girl, wash my face, maybe put real clothing on.


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