full body mutiny

Happy Friday. I have a purple sunrise and the remains of yesterday’s sick.

And OMG, was I sick. Shortly after I finished yesterday’s post, everything in my body decided to revolt. I initially thought it was a panic attack about the impending flight. Unfortunately, it was quickly apparent that this was not the case. I texted Shawshank to let him know I was going to lay down for a bit and fucking crashed. I spent the day feeling like absolute dogshit and slept until dinner. At one point I was wondering if I had somehow given myself another concussion because I couldn’t regular my internal temp at all. He came home at lunch and found me in the dark, clammy from a shower and cold sweats, huddled under a blanket. He walked back up to the shop, asked the boss for the rest of the afternoon off.

When I texted my mother after dinner, I described it as “that time you brought rotavirus home from the daycare, mixed with cold sweats and hot flashes”. I cancelled the hotel reservation with 20 minutes to spare, and took my 2nd shower of the day. I’m working on rescheduling my flight out. I’m doing better this morning, but this is nothing to travel with. Mom agreed and said to re-book for at least a week out. Shawshank gave his boss the update: since we weren’t going into the capitol, he could work Friday and Saturday. She texted him this morning and gave him the rest of the week off, which is nice.

I probably won’t get dressed today. The comfy clothes are currently just the right temperature for me.

One Comment

  1. John H
    January 7, 2022

    Dangit! Hope you feel better SOON Crystal, positive vibes for you that really sucks to be sick like that!

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