I can tell it’s cold outside because there’s something idling beside the house and it’s vibrating the wall decor. Otherwise, it’s a typical dark Monday.
We had a decent Sunday. Shawshank made us a lunch of baked beans and hot dogs and handled laundry. I started playing Assassin’s Creed: Rogue after pointing out that while the AC: Ezio Collection is on sale and on my wishlist, I hadn’t finished the AC games I already have. We simply wanted to veg out for the day.
So that’s all we did.
I played enough Rogue to get solidly into the tutorial phase before I had to pause things. Shawshank started up the truck for a bit while I found boots and gloves. When we got to his parents’ house, his mom warned us not to take our boots and stuff off, as she had things she needed loaded into her truck. She had a ton of plastic bedding bags lined up in the hallway, all filled with hand-crocheted afghans Gram made over the years. I picked out one lightweight one to send down to Mom, because it’s the perfect weight for Pensacola. Shawshank took another for us. The rest are being donated.
Today is a sloth day. Shawshank is looking for something to watch. He’ll make some brunch for us in a couple of hours. I have some schmoozing to do on Twitter, and I might set up some more scheduled posts for the rest of the week. I might actually put on some clothes, but I might sit around in my comfy shit as well. It doesn’t matter.