

Greetings and salutations, y’all. I’m up, and I’m not entirely convinced it’s Sunday. I firmly believed it was Monday until my alarm went off 10 minutes ago, and I know there’s no weekday alarm on my phone. I couldn’t tell you what time I was up this morning. We went to bed at least an hour later than normal, pretty much passed out after we assumed the crash positions.

Our drive out to Biggertown was lovely. The roads were clear, and the weather was gorgeous. It was the first time in a long time there wasn’t any fog. With both the clear air and the topography working in my favor, I was able to see some awesome landscapes. I feel like every time we go out, the scenery looks different. Once the snow melts, I’ll be completely confused. Right now, everything is white and flat. I know there’s some lakes out here, I just can’t see them right now.

We made the secondhand shop our first stop. I love the shop. You can tell it was formerly a house and every room has a different theme to it. I grabbed a bunch of band tees and a velvet jacket in the room with all the menswear. Sadly, I left the leather chaps on the rack, as their XXXXL size would never have fit me without more work than I’m willing to put into them. We looked through the DVDs and books, and the two rooms of housewares. I found new jammies with a proper butt-flap, and some black sequinned booty shorts.

Unfortunately, we didn’t catch things on a big sale day. Between the regular prices and the discount we picked out of the advent calendar, I paid $30 for it all. We went to a couple of other shops in town to check out their sales, picked up a pizza for dinner, then went out for lunch. An hour or so later, we were back at the flat. I tried on some of my “new” clothes, then settled on wearing the jammies for the rest of the day.

We spent the afternoon playing Trine together. It really forces us to communicate efficiently, because I can’t just say “wizard me a box over there” and expect him to know where there is. I’m definitely enjoying it more than Shawshank is.

Sundays are chore days here, the washer is spinning and Shawshank is puttering about. We’re going to Shady Acres for dinner. I should get dressed and pretend to be a person.


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