“Yay! It’s Tuesday!” said no one ever.

I’m expecting a bad shift today. A double-plus bad day, actually, since it’s not only a split shift with both StressedRPh and the fill-in pharmacist I’ll call Fourteen, based on how old he looks and his propensity for calling everyone “dude”. It’s also an inventory day, which always involves a lot of district management in the store. BossRPh is out for the week, and we’ll be dealing with Fourteen for a few days. Thankfully, he actually does his job, unlike some of the fill-ins we’ve had.

Update: Fourteen may not even make it in because his grandfather died this morning.

However, it’ll be nice when we’re done with work and back home. I’ll cook up some chicken while he does some dishes and the oven preheats for tonight’s #pizzaweek dinner. He’s already messaged me about painting. It’s nice to see him enthused about something; it’s been a while.


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