

Good morning, world, and welcome to the weekend. It’s dark, and quiet, and Shawshank says it’s almost like it’s nighttime out there right now. The cats are nestled with us on the couch, and it’s all very happy family-ish. I’ve been awake to some extent or another since around 4am. I brought my earbuds into bed with me, but opted to try to sleep without the music. When I woke up around 6, I felt like I was too awake, and it was too late for the playlist anyway. I’ll try to nap today. Maybe Santa will give me sleep.

I went to work with Shawshank after yesterday’s lunch. He only had a couple of hours to hang out in the shop. I played some color matching game, and he played solitaire. Two people came in while we were there. I spun poi in the middle of a shop full of overpriced home decor.

Once we got back home, we played with the Switch for the rest of the afternoon. Shawshank loaded up Bastion while I did the lunch dishes. After a few rounds, he handed off the controller to me to finish a level or two. I think we might be almost finished with the bulk of the basic story. I’m still searching for the perfect couch co-op RPG for the two of us.

The last of the Christmas gifts we sent should be arriving at Mom‘s today. In a great turn of events, the cold snap that’s covered the continent will have (hopefully) prevented the Canadian candies from melting along the journey. My nephews’ gifts should also arrive in Rhode Island today. Everyone’s gifted. Mom sent something up to me on Wednesday. It’ll get here eventually.

We’re gearing up for some snow tonight. Shawshank‘s been tracking the estimates. We went to bed with a forecast of about 9″ on Christmas morning. Currently, they’re estimating about 7″, and the day is still early. Shit can go either way very quickly.

For today, however, we’re just kicking it at home. Shawshank‘s getting laundry going, and we’re going to have brunch later. Tomorrow’s the holiday and we’ll have to be social, so today is just for us.

1 Comment

  1. I wish they would do a kotor2 style RPG, not necessarily star wars in this case but the general style of RPG.

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