9:05am – two coffees, more thunder, no rain.

9:05am – two coffees, more thunder, no rain.

Hello, Thursday friends. I saw a peek of sunshine a moment ago. However, my phone assures me the rain is coming in approximately 37 minutes. Should 8am arrive and find me still typing this post, I will update accordingly.

I continued to do nothing by doing nothing yesterday. Brian dropped Mom off at her friend’s house, returning to the house to pass out in his recliner. I watched my daily dose of pop culture time capsule (Supernatural) and took on the form of a human female. Brian eventually woke up and continued the HGTV binge.

Unfortunately, it rained on and off all day yesterday. The two week stretch of picture postcard weather has ended. This week, we saw the return of the thunderstorms, much to my enjoyment. Chaucer has other opinions on the matter. I spent much of the afternoon sketching in the bathroom. I’m still finding my feet. While I’m comfortable (enough) with my process when it comes to architecture, I’ve yet to try anything else. In an attempt to change that, I set up a whole mess of food sketches.

7:42 am: sunshine, thunder, no rain

8:11 am: no rain – yet.

The food series is all on the smaller side; most are on 5×7″ size paper. I also worked on two larger, non-food pieces. The ferry will be fun, I think. The worst part will be masking off the railings. I think I may have screwed something up a bit and may need to sand off some ink. I’m a little worried about working on the water itself, because I’m not very good at it. The kraken piece will be a completely different experiment, way out of my comfort zone.

I think I’m going to go get dressed. Brian waited until just before the morning news programming ended to change the channel to HGTV. He’s been cooped up in the house for a few days, I’m sure he’s itching to go out. And when Brian wants to go out, we go shopping.

And that means I need clothes.


  1. John H

    That Kraken piece is already awesome, I’m looking forward to the magic you do with that one!

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