fucking titles, how do they work?

fucking titles, how do they work?

I had to check the calendar again because my brain is telling me it’s Wednesday and I know damned well it’s Tuesday. Time zones are also fucking with me. I almost sent Shawshank a good morning text two hours before his alarm.

I survived the wake last night. We hugged all the family. There was a mini reunion of sorts between Mom, my aunt, and a family friend. They were a trio of trouble in my tween years.

Because we had time before the viewing, Mom and I went and visited DayTech at the pharmacy. It was so nice to see her and give her a hug. She looked good, but I’d really tired of the bullshit where the company continues to insist the pharmacy isn’t really a pharmacy, but a doctor’s office. I had hoped to see StressedRPh as well, but unfortunately she’s on leave at the moment. The pharmacist who was there came on staff about a month before I left. He looks like he fell into the convenient food trap and gained 15lbs since I last saw him. He asked if I was spinning fire yet. I told him not yet, but that I did proceed with my other plan of sitting in the back yard, lit as hell and spinning poi. The job is killing them all.

We have the funeral to go to today, followed by a luncheon. I believe there’s a chance of Chinese for dinner.

Then we pack everything up and go back tomorrow afternoon.


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