Allo, allo, mes amis. Bienvenue sur mon blog. It’s Thursday. It’s almost Friday. The local news swears we’re supposed to see isolated thunderstorms. If that’s happening, I’m ok with it. I love thunderstorms. Thunderstorms are my jam.
I spent some of yesterday afternoon out on the patio with the paints. The weather was pretty perfect for it, aside from a little bit of wind. I couldn’t immediately decide what to work on. I only have two large boards to paint on, but four large sketches. Eventually, I boarded one large sketch, and took out an older, unfinished piece to play with. I signed the Marshall Point Light painting, and declared it FINISHED. I’ll probably take it to the post office today or tomorrow.
The new jars are still open and drying out. One of them will remain open for the rest of today, and it’ll probably be fine. I built the second with a wetter substrate, thus it will take longer to lose some of that moisture. I killed a tiny centipede in the Apothecarium on Tuesday morning, and was pretty happy about it. They eat springtails, and I’d noticed the colony in that jar seemed greatly reduced lately. Unfortunately, I saw a much larger centipede in there yesterday morning, but I wasn’t able to get it out. I did find and relocate three more snails over the last couple of days, bringing us up to our current battlefront statistics:
51 removed
4 AWOL in the bedroom
I don’t have any plans for today, unless I make it out to the post office. Should the rain hold off, I’ll probably go outside for a little bit. I’d like to spin a bit and maybe get some outdoor activity in my life.
I won’t lie, though. I’d be totally ok with sitting in the house and playing Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen all day again.
Looking forward to your Lighthouse project that is really cool, as are the others but lighthouses are a fav. Good work Crystal 👍👍