The first alarm clock goes off at 5:30am, and another one at 6:03am. By 6:25am, I was dressed. I debated about whether I wanted to do a workout before or after I went to the polling place. The Rhode Island polls open at 7am, and I decided to go up when they opened. I didn’t know how bad the polls would be later, so I opted to go in ASAP. Initially, I wanted to walk up there, but it was starting to sprinkle when I left.

There was already a line when I arrived just before 7am. The sprinkles held off becoming anything worse for a while, then briefly turned to snow while we were in line inside the school.

Our ballot was pretty simple this year, just the federal election stuff, a couple of town reps, and a question about changing the official name of the state. I was back home in time to do an hour’s worth of a workout before Shawshank woke up.
I was #26.

Now, I’m on the couch with a cup of instant espresso, bundled in the robe. I’m a little cold. It’s a late shift for me, a split shift with the new guy. There’s a major traffic accident on the way to work, which I really hope has been cleared up before I leave.
Time get ready to leave. The caffeine isn’t kicking in fast enough, and I still need to get dressed.