Wreck Myself

Wreck Myself

Good morning ☕

It’s Saturday. If you’ve got the day off, enjoy it.

He’s off to work for the first half of the day. Since I’m pretty much feeling 100% human again, it’s back to business as usual. Being sick over the last week had me doing nothing in the mornings, plus it completely messed up my eating habits and schedule. That gets fixed today. My plan is to go upstairs, turn up the music, gather all the kettlebells, and absolutely wreck my body with a killer workout. My initial plan was to go through everything twice, but I may reconsider it, depending on how I’m feeling.

Tabata style: 20 secs on, 10 secs off, for 10 sets on each exercise, because I must hate myself.

Because he’s covering both his area and that of another coworker, we decided we’ll do the weekly shopping tomorrow, so he can feel like he gets at least part of the day off. We plan to grab the couple of things we’ll need for tonight’s dinner after we have lunch. That will leave us the afternoon to do nothing more than sit on the couch. I foresee a couple of episodes of Marianne (while it’s still daylight), some Esperanto lessons with Duolingo for me, and maybe a movie tonight if we can find anything interesting.


  1. Hope you both have a great weekend Crystal 😎👍👍☕

  2. crystal

    Well I just finished a nearly 2 hour workout and probably won’t be able to move tomorrow, but it was pure awesomeness 🏋️‍♀️

    Enjoy your weekend 👋😆

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