white people taco night

white people taco night

Hello, world. Sunshine. Shit sleep. No cats. That just about sums up this introductory paragraph.

I gave in to the anxiety and made a few more locs yesterday. Shawshank suggested I count how many I used in the last install and match that. A fantastic suggestion, but also one I’d already done. I always go into the install with the idea that I want more volume, however; so I really wanted to have extras on hand. After Shawshank left for work, I sat down with what remained of an open braid of white hair. After a couple of hours, I had another four locs.

I experimented with using one of the cats’ brushes to backcomb the locs. Jesus, I wish I’d thought of that last week. While I can’t use it for the entire process, it cuts my process time nearly in half. On top of that, I don’t know if my technique changed that much or what, but those last four locs are some of the best I made.

I also sweated my ass off playing Just Dance. I’m pretty sure I broke a few high score records. The new playlist function is amazing, even with the lack of a shuffle option. I drop into a warm up playlist, do a handful of maps, then pop out into something else. I think the next playlist I’m going to create should be nothing but songs I love to dance to but also suck at so badly.

Unfortunately, the good shit came to an end. Shawshank came home from work, showered, and we pretty much went to bed shortly after. It was an absolute bitch to fall asleep last night. Both of us had trouble. I couldn’t get comfortable, then worked myself into a panic attack. I never heard him get out of bed this morning, or kiss me goodbye, so at least I managed some deeper sleep, I guess.

Shawshank is working this morning. I’m going to put in the new hair. At some point, I want to go outside and enjoy some sunshine. We’re having tacos for dinner, and using our new taco plates.


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